Dr. Miro has been helping people with their sexuality issues for over 25 years.
A practicing Sex Therapist, Presenter, Consultant and Coach in Los Angeles and New York City, she also sees people from all over the world via online video sessions.
Having earned her Doctorate in Human Sexuality from The Institute For the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in June 2006, she holds an Associate in Sex Education, is a certified Clinical Sexologist by the American College of Sexologists and is a certified Erotology Appraiser.
Dr. Miro maintains membership in both The American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT) and the Society for Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS). She is approved by The Adult Performer Advocacy Committee (APAC) and a founding member of Los Angeles Sexologist Association (LASA), a member of the National Coalition for Sexual Freedom (NCSF) and listed on the Kink Aware Professionals (KAP).
“Dr. Miro helped me build a toolbox of life skills. She encouraged me to figure things out on my own and not use therapy as a crutch. No other therapist has ever helped and prepared me for the rest of my life. Dr. Miro gets me. I don’t have to explain why I am a Doninatrix. When I feel myself getting off-kilter, I now ask myself: What is the issue or purpose? What do I hope to achieve? How will this affect me? Am I prepared for the consequences?”