Read below for recent publications where Dr. Miro’s been featured.
How To Improve Your Relationship With Your Mom At Any Age
It’s never too late to improve your relationship with your mom. Even if you already get along well, there are steps to take to make your time together even better.
Life After Being A Sugar Baby: ‘I Couldn’t Turn The Character All The Way Off’
Much has been said and written about sugar dating and all its intricacies. But when it comes to how the life after sugar dating plays out, there is still a lot we are yet to unpack.
Designed by Dionne Pajarillaga
Andreas Kuehn // Getty Images
How to Make Blowjobs More Enjoyable for the Women in Your Life, According to Experts
From your standpoint, there’s a lot to love about blowjobs. But have you ever wondered if the woman in your life likes giving blowjobs as much as your enjoy receiving them?
EPISODE 077: Under the Red Umbrella -
Sex Workers are Human Too
From nude models at art studios to the legal dominatrix down the street, sex workers are most likely someone you love and you don’t even know it.
21 Signs He’s Cheating, According
to Experts
According to U.S. General Social Survey, 20% of men cheat. But how do you know when your man is cheating on you?
Dirty talk for beginners: How a few
choice words can make you feel closer
to your partner
Dirty talk, when done correctly, can be a huge turn-on. There's nothing like hearing exactly what your partner wants to do to you and how they'd like to do it, or hearing them compliment you on your intimate bits.
We Both Cheated - Now What? (2019)
There’s an odd myth that when both partners cheat in a relationship, that the cheating is somehow cancelled out. If both people deceive each other then they’re even right?…
Stopping An Argument From Spinning Out of Control (2019)
A disagreement with your partner can go from zero to warp speed with one misplaced word. Here’s how you can keep it on cruise control.
What Does Falling In Love Feel Like? (2019)
One of the best feelings in the world is falling in love with someone. More often than not, it feels overwhelming, exciting, and it hits you out of nowhere…
Being A Better Wife After 40 (May 14, 2019)
Whether you just tied the knot or have been with your spouse for decades, maintaining a happy, healthy marriage is no easy feat...
Somewhere up there with the dreaded “I need some space” lies “you’re too nice” — which is possibly one of the most annoying phrases ever uttered in the dating world…
Same Man, Hotter Sex (2011)
When you first get together, sex is priority number one – who cares about sleep? Or work? Or really, anything that doesn’t involve getting naked?…
Photography by Mark Andrew
Masters Of Sex and the Ongoing Stigma of Sex Research (2015)
In the third season opener of Showtime's Masters of Sex, William Masters and Virginia Johnson — now ready to give their years of research its public debut — hold a press conference to discuss their findings…
5 Things You Should Know About Women
Here are five fun facts you may not know about women. Now you can impress your friends with your extensive knowledge of the female body. That is if you can do it without looking like
Brainy Smurf…
Sex After Baby
The week after I had my first son, Henry, I thought I was never going to have any more kids. But getting pregnant would be easy to avoid, because I also thought I never wanted to have sex again…
Is My Partner Controlling Me? 9 Ways To Handle Being Sex-Shamed By A Partner
What started with him uncomfortably asking about sex, quickly escalated to Luke telling Hannah that if she had sex with any of the other guys, he'd exit the situation…
Why Solo Travel in a Relationship is Healthy, According to Experts
When you’re in a relationship, it can sometimes feel like there’s an inherent pressure to do everything with your significant other…